Jetty 9

Jetty 9 is the default container used with Pedestal 0.6.

Container Options

The following table lists the container options supported by Jetty.

Key Value type Description



Use daemon threads. Defaults to false.



The maximum number of threads to use. Defaults to 50.



Reuse the socket address. Defaults to true.


A ThreadPool instance.

Override the Jetty thread pool (ignores max-threads)



A function called with the org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server instance. Expected to return the Server instance. Use when advanced customization is required.



A function called with the org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler instance. Use when advanced customization is required.



Allows connections over HTTPS.



Port to use for TLS listener. Defaults to 443 and implies :ssl?.



HTTP/2 cleartext support. Allows upgrading connections from HTTP/1.1 to the Http/2 protocol. Defaults to true. When true, :port must be specified. HTTP/2 versioning, Jetty HTTP/2 documentation.



HTTP/2 TLS support. When true, :ssl-port must be specified. HTTP/2 versioning, Jetty HTTP/2 documentation.


Vector of Functions

A vector of functions that take the options map and an org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration instance and return an org.eclipse.jetty.server.ConnectionFactory instance. Applies only to the SSL connection.


An SslContextFactory instance.

The SSLContextFactory instance to use when creating the server. If specified, :key-password, :keystore, :truststore, :trust-password, :security-provider, :client-auth are ignored.


String or

Used for TLS. Path to keystore file or a instance. Not used if :ssl-context-factory is set.



Used for TLS. Keystore password. Not used if :ssl-context-factory is set.


String or

Used for TLS. Path to keystore file or a instance. Not used if :ssl-context-factory is set.



Used for TLS. Trust store password. Not used if :ssl-context-factory is set.



SSL client certificate authenticate, may be set to :need, :want or :none. Defaults to :none.



Java Security Provider name. Refer to the Jetty ConfiguringSSL/TLS documentation. Not used if :ssl-context-factory is set.


An HttpConfiguration instance.

The HttpConfiguration instance to use when creating the server. Use when advanced customization is required. The default HttpConfiguration is listed below.

Default HttpConfiguration

The default HttpConfiguration is:

  • SendDateHeader is set to true

  • SendXPoweredBy is set to false

  • SendServerVersion is set to false

  • An instance of org.eclipse.jetty.server.SecureRequestCustomizer is added via addCustomizer

  • When :ssl?, :ssl-port or h2? is provided, securePort is set to the value of :ssl-port and secureScheme is set to "https".