Response Map

The response map is attached to the xref:context-map.adoc by any interceptor in the interceptor chain. The response map describes the outgoing HTTP response. If no response map is attached to the context by the time processing is done or if the attached response map is not valid Pedestal generates a 404 response.

Key Always Present? Type Description




The HTTP status code



map of String → String

Response headers sent to the client. Header names are all converted to lower case.



String, ISeq, File, InputStream

The body of the response sent to the client.

Application code that returns a header should use the proper case version of the header, for example, Content-Type (not content-type); although incoming request headers are converted to lower case, outgoing response headers are left as-is, and some standard interceptors expects certain headers to be present with the correct name (such as Content-Type).

Response Validity

Response validity has different semantics depending on the Pedestal layer in question. Pedestal’s core HTTP processing layer only requires the :status key for a response to be considered valid. This is the semantic used by the default not-found interceptor. Meanwhile, Pedestal’s lower-level servlet-specific termination check abides by the Ring response specification, requiring :status and :headers keys with valid values.